this morning after having a nice coffee at stumptown coffee roasters, mishi and i left stumptown - leaving my car/elephant right where it was, in a parking space across from the coffeeshop. they have a system here, like in a lot of cities where you pay at a pay station/kiosk and place a sticker in your window indicating how much time you've purchased and the time it expires. ok. we did that. bought a ticket, put it in the window. and off we went. we had parked right next to the pay station. so off we went. mishi loves 'ross dress for less' and wanted to go back to the same one she had been at the day before because it was so good. i roamed around while she shopped...nice. after she was finished we walked back to the car only to find it gone. the good times were just beginning. for one, there's no information on the pay station about getting your car back if you haven't paid the parking fee. oh, FYI, even though we had parked next to the pay station it was actually not a spot at all but rather a bus zone. the actual parking space was about six feet farther back. nice. no one seemed to be sure were our car was. finally a guy pointed out a number on the bottom of a sign that was for parking info. mishi had taken over the phone duties because i had already had a meltdown (but i should point out that initially i was calm..but once the shitty phone calls started i lost it...) and had thrown my keys on the ground breaking my remote for the car...awesome. the phone didn't work correctly and had eaten all her coins so she was now trying to contact the operator and see if she could connect us to this info number...nope. she couldn't connect us - or rather - wouldn't. but she wanted to know where the broken phone was...idiot. finally getting through to the info people, they told us where the car was so away we went to get it. it was a bit of a walk but i knew from experience that getting a taxi in portland is next to impossible. a while later, on foot, we arrived at the tow yard. they were very nice and i wasn't mad at them as i had parked incorrectly, but the $119.00 really sucked. then it was back to business as per usual. mishi bought more fabric, we ate some more mexican food at la bonita, i gave tony at Office the finger as we drove by there, and we headed for seattle.
seattle was about geting a baseball hat for a friend of the garbs and mishi, dropping by Fnacy to see sally and selling her some of mishi's candy wallets and getting me a new bauhaus coffee t-shirt..oh and a dick's deluxe hamburger. we walked a round a little and then decided it was time to get outta dodge....we did stop at walmart on the way and an outlet mall - why the fuck not? and then after telling a couple of lies at the border we were back in canada with a whole carload of clothes from Ross...
it's good to be home.
g. xo
after you get your car towed you really sould have a burger. hopefully there's an in-n-out nearby, if not, go to dick's.

or this place.

mishi's breakfast at stumptown.

what you see when you look up from just next to the tow yard.

more stump coffee.

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