more to what i was on about earlier. sometimes i think this life is like a movie or a dress rehearsal. i always think about 'soon' or 'later', which is such bullshit.
i will go to ????? soon. i will do ???? soon. or do it later. i'm not sure where it came from but i do it. sure, i get stuff done. work, play some hockey, drive around aimlessly but the real important stuff never gets done. get in shape, work on a story i've been writing, get a job i may actually like, etc. the coffee and cereal shop. the next great canadian novel. (right) and other stuff.
anyhow. today, for some reason i have decided to try and finish a story i have been working on while i am on my little roadtrip. there are two actually. we'll see. i do feel like finishing them. if for no other reason than i'll stop thinking about them. and can out them to bed.
on to bigger and better things. i had just put a tomato pie in the oven when corie called and asked if i wanted to go to Shabosen, i really have no idea how to spell it, for dinner. an asian combo place on south granville. i say combo because they have japanese and korean food....maybe even some chinese...i had been playing e/mail tag with riel as well so called her and invited her along...i thought corie may enjoy her razor wit and charm...good times...

after dinner i went out to tony's shop to try and make the shelf thing for andrew at topanga. i really have to remind myself before i start such things. i am a really bad carpenter. really. terrible. i know how to do it but get all hurry-hurry and also don't have a dado blade etc, and it ends up looking like shit. so i tossed it away in the big dumpster outside his shop. awesome.
i need a vacation and i may be getting it sooner than later. turns out i'm not working tomorrow and i don't know when i am. i feel the axe coming...soon. i could be on the raod very soon...
here's hoping.
g. xo
1 comment:
there you go, saying nice things about me. very good times all around. excited that you're going to finish your stories. writing feels goooood.
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