i may not leave the house today. maybe. that's the truth. it doesn't happen often but today, shitty drainy sunday, i may stay here. i went shopping, finally, yesterday and picked-up most of what i need to survive the week. so why leave here? doesn't make any sense really.
i have coffee, 'curb' dvd's, willy's book-which i actually just finished and will pass along to anyone who would like to read it. think loveable losers who've grown up in reno, nevada and have really little to live for but deep down have hope of something better. when i read it i had visions of juliette lewis playing the main woman in it, and every bar patron in every bar in gerlach, nevada playing extras. and the main dudes played by 'my name is earl' lead jason lee and his chubby co-star...except earl is a drunk and living in a hotel in reno with little heat in the dead of winter. good times...anyhow..i need not leave the house today-except i'd really like to see 'the departed'...i have been thinking that same thought for weeks now. and now as hayden sings 'bad as it seems' on my stereo i'm rethinking this staying home thing...i'm so confused.
played hockey last night and after felt as though my hockey career was over-again. i am so affected by what others say. i know i am not the player i was, hell, i'm 42 and fat and old...i just try and play smart now...but a player on my team, someone i thought was my pal-maybe not, was insulting my play...and i feel maybe i should pack it in and head to the gym and maybe come back when i'm more ready or not at all..we'll see. at least at the gym no one's on you. getting old sucks.
i am looking forward to leaving here in a few weeks and heading south, again. portland, s.f., santa cruz, etc..all the usual places. i will, hopefully, end up in tucson, AZ visiting my good friend renee. she has a job at the university of arizona and i can camp out on her couch for a while and just hang out...day trip here and there...i may head to NYC as well to visit monica and diana...we'll have to see...i have no real agenda except to see renee...there have also been thoughts of totonto to visit bill baker.
ok,..shit..now smog is playing...i need to get out of here or actually get up and pick some different music on the ipod...
have fun...
garn xo
kramer came by the other day to look at my dryer...what a good guy. love him like a brother.

now my dryer looks like this...

ps..i'm calling in all the cd's and dvd's i have out there... i just need to account for them. some are to passed on to others, some i want to sell or trade..marc, corie, garbs, brent, jo....others i've forgotten about....
1 comment:
i only had them two days!! geee...;)
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