a stones reference being that they were just in town rockin' the house...
turns out i didn't have to work today. i was all set to work but corie went in my place today. he had been working on a gag that played today so he felt it was better he was there to make sure it all went well. i think he may be rethiunking that desicion now as it's even colder today than it was yesterday.
also, it may be the last day for us on the show and tomorrow we'll wrap our shit and gte outta dodge...and i'll really get outta dodge. heading for the real el presidente...speaking of which i think i'll go for a el presidente tonight....any takers?
i cleaned the homestead from stem to stern today just because it seemed the right thing to do before i hit the road...come home to a clean house-unless the garbs comes over while i away then it's all for nothing.
i took a bunch of pics of my toys today for insurance reasons-my home insurance is coming up and i want them to see the pics and make sure they understand the replacement costs etc...should be interesting.
if you're at all curious to see what shit i have right now, not that you would be, check out this link...
they have a 'show-off' forum on the kid robot board, just to prove its geekiness....and i thought i'd contribute my shitola.
ok...i'm off to drive the queen to her doctor's appointment because she's dying of scurvy or something-so she says. should be fun driving to richmond in the ice and snow....
more later...
g. xo
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