i made my way to seattle this morning and after securing some free parking - nice - i walked to the park and started my negotiations with the ticket scalpers...i seem to be doing a lot of negotiating this week...they're an odd bunch those ticket guys. i didn't get a great deal but a great seat in the shade - which was great since it was in the 90's in seattle today...the mariners got beat up pretty badly, 12-3 by the indians, but i still loved being there...it was a great day for baseball. i even had myself a little polish sausage and a huge coke....the woman in front of me couldn't stop eating and it was kinda freakin' me out...she had those garlic fries that make me wanna hurl when i smell them, nachos, a hot dog, drinks...it was like the time the garbs and i went to see the mariners and these kids sat behind us, with each one of them eating something different - the mixture of smells was intense...
after the game i drove around a little and then headed to bimbos for an early dinner...a nice shredded beef wet burrito...they make a good burrito those kids...good lemonade there too...then it was time to head home - after a short shop at trader joe's...i took larry so there was no a/c in the car so i was one sweaty mess by the time i made it through the border - with more weird questions....the action at the border on the way down was good too..but i can't re-count it now...just kinda ridiculous...and because i know now that i'm probably gonna make it through just fine, i just relax and answer the questions, laugh a little inside and drive away in the end...what else can i do...?
ok...have a great monday...
g. xo
the view from my seat. the cmaera makes it look far but it wasn't at all...great seat.

where's the fully eaten burrito shot?
the waiter came and took the plate before i could get a shot...
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