it was a busy sunday. i had four lawns to get done and was having a little weedeater problems-but not anything i couldn't handle ya know....i was doing a new lawn over near brent's place and had no idea how long it was gonna take...well, it took a long fuckin' time....but still a good time....a woman by the name of teri had given me a call and asked me to take care fo her unruly lawn, and it was that to be sure...but now it looks like a million, or at least, a few hundred bucks....then before i knew it, it was time to go to hockey but i was still in north vancouver and had to get home, get my gear, get corie and get back to north van-all in one hour....not happening. in the ned corie drove himself and we had another bomber blast in our new league in north van....it's a good time with a great bunch of guys. i rang one off the post and managed a few other close calls but no bisquit in the basket...next week. bryan returned to the fold and i was happy to see him there tonight wearing the bomber blue...he's a good solid defenceman...and a good guy.
after the game i came home and the companion, mishi and i watched the third episode of the final series of sopranos shows...while it should, maybe, have ended a year ago for good, it's still a good watch....there was a great gunshot through the eye tonight...not so good. the garbs has passed on watching anymore because there hasn't been enough killing in the new shows-he would have liked it tonight. mishi also brought over buster bars from dairy queen. i love those babies. i'll pay later but damn, they's tastey little treats.
then to complete the evening it was a showing of desperate housewives-and now there's a guy in a freezer...i love that show....don't judge me!
more lawns tomorrow and maybe even more than that. i ran into a guy at the transfer station who asked if i wanted more lawns....yup, bring 'em on, we'll se if the phone rings....
night. night.
g. xo
penelope and corie have a few drinks at topanga.

eric and raine drove by today when i was cutting the new lawn.

three huge bags of grass taken away from this place today.

Way to go on your game. Don't know about the powder blue jerseys. Kinda weak. Next week should be a good one. Looks like T-3 score a lot of goals.
T-3? who or what's that...? like painkiller T-3? i'm confused...and the powder blue jerseys are awesome!
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