less than twenty-four hours after our last bombers game we were back on the ice in north vancouver kicking ass in the duffer's league. we're not really duffer's but they call it that and we're going through the initial stages of this spring league playing a few games so they know where to seed us for the rest of the games - div. 1, div. 2, ??? anyhow....last night we won 8-0, and today 9-0. last night some kid wanted to fight me and made some weird fake cross-checking motion towards my head...pretty funny actually...we was ejected...idiot.
after the game corie and i went and grabbed a coffee and then after i got home i headed out to richmond to cut the dog grass...it's a good workout that one. the queen was driving by, literally, on the highway and stopped in and had a little visit before i got down to bidness...lots of danilions out there- and i just kill 'em all!
good times...
go ducks!
g. xo
and now..radom pics from sunday's action.
pete reflects on a well fought game.

the gibber takes it 'seriously'.

al's playoff beard...it'll be gone soon.

i had a sore finger and did some digging and this small plastic ball thing came out of it. weird. feels better now though. where does a small plastic round ball thing come from? and how does it get in your finger?

corie in action on the ice today.

i killed a lot of these today.

all star bomber noah.

nice jersey's, boo hoo.
A 4 point game, way to go Garn. Your team should be playing Div. 1
did i have a 4 point game? 2 goals for sure sunday, one goal saturday...i can't remeber if i assisted on any....maybe...
good times..
2 goals and 2 assists. It would seem that not only does your team score lots of goals but not many if any get scored on your team. Even if a team doesn't beat you, it would be a feather in their cap if they were actually able to score 2 or more goals.
well, i went and looked at the box scores and they're all wrong. when dave o. scored i wasn't even on the ice and they gave me an assist. if anything i got two goals and one assist that last game...oh well....
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