so after a little sleep we headed back out to richmond to paint some more flats. so now, a little clarifcation for some asking questions. tobe and pam, the kids from propellor, called me up and asked if wanted to help paint some 'flats' - which are-as you can see in the pictures, large canvas' basically, some two sided, that will be used in a show of some sort in toronto. it's some sort of background thing. sixty of these things, some two-sided, some one color, some two different colors. yesterday we painted for many hours getting home after midnight and today painted for far too long again.
what was interesting today was that at one pont i asked if anyone had been upstairs. (it's a warehouse with an upstairs that we had heard was occupied by a tenant..) no one had been upstairs so i decided to go have a look....and what did i find? a whole lots of used booze bottle and a big old mess...yup, it was/is a booze can...and a dirty one at that. shit everywhere, the rugs burned with hundreds of cigarettes, crappy speakers, a crappy stereo, tons of garbage, etc...neat. i told the kids and they had a look as well....
shrotyly after we had come back from havinf some lunch at que pasa-god bless you tom and joe, we had a visit form the local RCMP. they asked if we had called the police...i said nope. they then came in and headed upstairs..when they came down i told them i had been up there and then they asked a bunch of questions i couldn't really answer, the bets being who i was working for..truth was/is-i don't really know. kinda pam and tobe but really some other company. anyhow...they took a bunch of the booze away and then as they were asking me some quesions they had a call involving a gun so they took off..good.
later on after qwe had finally finished the flats and we all packed up and loading penelope's car a few dudes in fancy hopped-up import cars atarted showing up. it was weird, there we were laoding shit into her car and they were about to go upstairs-we think, and see that a bunch of their stuff was missing...i really wanted to get the hell outta there....and we did...fast. we had been up there minuted before they showed-up and had taken a couple garbage bags and old ratty cds to listen to..also the garbs ahd found some bags of peanuts that he liberated from the boozecan....it could have been tense if we had been up there when they showed up....
anyhow...home now and i don't think we were followed...i think..
bed time...lawn cutting most of saturday and a cowboys playoff game...night night...
garbs fuels up for more painting.

more painting.

the flats.

penelope loves painting.

the demon crabs.

hey flats.

hey more flats.

garbs flats.

booze can anyone?

ladies and gentlemen-welcome john law.

maybe b/c it's 4am and i'm kinda drunk...but i really don't understand....jox
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