so a friend of mine-who i thought had better sense, went to the neko case show last night at the commodore ballroom. hes a good guy, and i supose he just doesn't know any better so god bless his little soul, but i'll have to give him a little heads up...oh, she's fine, she once left a great "i'm totally insane" message on my answering machine that i now realise, i should have kept. i won't go into the details but it was really, really good. and while i may think her career is kinda based on a fake persona, who am i afterall....
ok, enough of that..what concerns me is the neko case shirt design i saw today on her web site...looks kinda like a coolerator shirt-just not as cool....i don't know when this shirt was made and maybe it was made before the coolerator shirts-maybe now, i'm going with not.
my people are gonna call her people.
the virginian my ass-the rip-oo artist more like it.
have a great valentine's day suckers!
g. xo
1 comment:
I don't know that's a cool shirt. The only thing that would make it better, would be having a real van, like a Dodge Ram instead of that GMC or whatever the fuk....
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