protest songs, protest marches and rock for (insert name or cause here) concerts and gigs have never really been my deal, but i support them and the right for people to have them. everyone needs a cause man. but i also think that the way in which you protest and the way you make yourself heard is almost more important in the end. let me say this-i am not an supporter of the big mega event that will be coming at us in exactly three years from today...you know the one-the one with the rings and skating and skiing...that one. anyhow, i'm not a fan.
back to the delivery of the message. i'm not taking sides here at all but if i had a message i wanted relayed i wouldn't storm a stage and take over a mic and start yelling profanities, i wouldn't throw eggs at people on a stage that i disagreed with or balloons filled with yellow or blue paint. mega phones are great, signs, peaceful protests of all sorts are great. i'm all for that. throwing shit is stupid. much like i'm not a huge fan of the bike protests that go on the third week of every month, but it's pretty good way to get the message out...and i support them in that way.
today at the art gallery, people yelled, threw eggs and other things, rocked the mic and generally made themselves heard-but not in a positive way. i want things to be different as well. i want better healthcare, better roads, help for the homeless and drug addicted but, i ain't throwing anything at anyone.
it was pretty interesting today. and damn, as much as i would like to say i hate the clock, it looks pretty good. i think they'll have to have 24 security around it as i'm sure someone will want to give it a kick....
ok..good times....
rock on protestors.
g. xo
ps..and i have to say this as well. i am not a fan of the vancouver police force as they do fuckall in my 'hood but, they were very good today at the art gallery only doing what they had to do. at least that's what i thought as i watched what went on only appling any force when someone did something that required them to do so.
a mixture of shots from today's action at the art gallery on georgia street.
sometimes my camera lets me down on the action shots...but blurry sometimes is ok...

this dude rocked the house...

oh....not a protest pic...the queen rocks the new garbis industries bag...

these are the good times...

cops...and more cops...

i love this pic...

that david dude...he's got a medal somewhere....

da cops..

this clock says 1124 on the top row...

this clock does not....

the people get ready fof the unveiling...

more peeps...


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