note much to report...larry made it through his photo shoot, the movie's almost done and i have yet another toy on the way...but what's more important is...cathy's 40th birthday...there's a suprise birthday party tonight for her, and i'm sure i haven't ruined anything by saying that...i think she used to read the blog but even if she still does, she's out to dinner and then when she gets home, whamo! surprise...i'm sure there will be cake, balloons, etc..and it'll be good. i like cathy. she's a good one. (and i suppose if she does read this before the party...cathy, act like you haven't...)
i was invited but i have lawns to cut and other shitola that keep me from going but, cathy, if you do read this, happy birthday...i hope you have a great birthday!
this is a picture of cathy from the new year's day party at her place...i just noticed her legs..what the hell is going on there...her hand signal is to tell me her name is spelled with a 'c' not a 'k'..i had put her name on the blog before as a 'k'...i didn't know better then, i do now...
happy birthday...
g. xo
exactly. what's up with the legs? is that what happens when you don't exercise for 40 years? sorry. 28 years? anyway. congrats on the completion of another show. smell the roses. barry bonds got hit in the head. ha ha. are you goin' down to cali?
I apologize for the previous comment. I have no idea how much exercise Cathy gets. She might run a marathon everyday for all I know. She is a nice person and that's way more important than exercising. I don't really exercise that much. In no way did I mean to be mean. Sometimes you try to be funny and it just misses the mark and you end up looking like a jerk. Sorry.
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