as someone once said to me...they're just a bunch of pigeon chested indie rocker boys....i won't say who said it...but today i wanted to punch out one of them..the indie rock fucks who litter this city like lice....i'm ranting here so please bear with me because i don't want to paint them all with the same brush but there is a certain segment of a community i used to be a card carrying member of....it's the truth, i was recently refered to as "old school punk rock"....but i am so sick and tired for the ironic moustaches, ironic trucker hats, the ill-fitting polyester plaid pants worn by those who can afford shit that fits...if you can't i understand but why would you want to look like a homeless person? and that moustache? hardly ironic...i know it's about fitting in...looking and being accepted by your peers...but have a look around and look at how stupid they all look...again, not all of them...and what's sparked this rant today is this fuckin' indie rock shit who walked in front of my car today and as he got to the front of my car, i was trying to turn left, he slowed right down as if he had lapsed into a coma and gave me this shitty look as if to say, 'i'm gonna take my time....and you can't do shit...'... well, one day someone will do shit and punch your fuckin' lights out...there's a reason there are walk and don't walk indicators at the cross walks...to keep all the traffic moving along-both pedestrian and motor traffic...you go, i go...it all works retty well if we all kinda try and keep to the rules...and you know...it all comes back to what i've mentioned so many times before...
why can't people just be nice to each other? i know it sounds so hippy and flakey but for fuck's sake...this town, and it is a town, is turning into a shitty place to be...more and more people are becoming more and more self-centered, and couldn't give a shit about those around them...and this indie rock fuck today needed a little tune-up...ok...you're walking and i'm driving...sure, i have a car but you know what? i work really fuckin' hard and work long hours to afford it...so fuck you. fuck you and your trucker hat...fuck you and your moustache...you look like a jackoff...
wow...ok..that was that guy...i have some indie rock hipster types as pals..i do...and sure, i don't want to dress like them and they not like me...but we all have one thing in common...we care about each other and treat each other with respect. at least i try to. maybe that's why i like portland so much, or what i know of it...people are very nice there...i'm sure there are assholes there as well but all the people i have dealt with there have been great...vancouver's truning into a very unfriendly city. it's too bad...
toda as i took out the trash i saw the junkie's out back having thier morning/afternoon lunch on top of the dumpster...a little crack, maybe a side of heroin and a drink of some pop from a can they found in the alley...good times...
sorry about the rant...sometimes i just have to...
oh..and another thing i'm sick of...those fuckin' foreign exchange students who clog the sidewalks as they get out of school each day making it hard to get by them as they smoke and chat outside the school...get the fuck out of the way...take a side and stick to it...you don't get the whole sidewalk...sorry...i hate those kids...
one thing i forgot to mention yesterday...a very happy birthday greeting to marcy who turned 29 yesterday....
happy birthday kid...
ok kids...be nice to someone today...
garn xo

1 comment:
in paris the people say pardon moi madame....i've always thought vancouverites unfriendly...jox
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