three months ago i ran larry through aircare. he failed. no big deal i thought. i got a tune-up and carried on, because you can get three months worth of insurance before you try again. fast forward to yesterday. i was down on granville island visting mishi when the commisionare dude was seen writing a note by my car. mishi went out and asked him what was up and he said he was just writing me a note to tell me my insurance had expired. awesome. and now i had to try and find temp. insurance on good friday. excellent. i did. no problemo...
then this morning i went to aircare again, because i had to before they'd give me more insurance, and i failed again. fuck. so i was then looking over my aircare report card and saw that they had actually been testing me for an engine size i didn't have in my car. they were testing me for a V-8 engine...which fucks the whole thing. i drove back and showed a guy and he said that was wrong and that they'd test me again. and guess what? i passed with flying colors...which means i would have passed before, three months ago. so aircare cost me not only a bunch of money, trying to get it right so it would pass, but also my time, having to go through the fuckin' thing three times. a letter is forthcoming...
had breakfast/lunch with daisley and then went to a matinee movie with megan today...'friends with money' i think it was/is called...not as much a chick flick as you may think...ate some M & M'S and had a little relax...nice.
off to the alibi room for a birthday party of some people i don't know..it'll be fine. once too many people show up i'll be heading home.
more retro for your (dis)pleasure.
good times....
garn xo

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