the girls on swings...
i actually had no mini-donuts but the girls did and they looked awesome...we rode rides like champs today...it was fuckin' hot too...the pavement there doesn't help when you're waiting in line. and as i waited in line for the new Atmosfear ride, i wondered about engineering, how it had been engineered, if the chaind would hold as i whipped around 200' in the air at 70 kms...and if they did let go, exactly how far would i or rather we - me and a guy i had never met before, would fly before we hit the ground and died and became front page news...how far? couple hundred feet? would we hit anyone when we came down? or would it all be fine? and the lined moved along and ailsa and fiona watched as i finally got to my chain seat and prepared to kiss my ass good-bye...but it was fine...and i'll tell you this...it's awesome. fuckin' scary at times, and slightly cold as you whip around in the air high above the park and if it went another 90 seconds, i may have lost my mind. it's good. but at times, unsettling. i'd do it again.
fiona tried win an ipod by climbing up a near impossible ladder, we all did the bumper cars, rode the scrambler, i rode the corkscrew - alone, they rode a few rides i don't know the name of, including the log ride - twice...fiona will sleep well tonight as will garvie.
i'm home and am gonna relax and make more ketchup. want some?
have fun!
g. xo
me and my pal ride the atmosfear.

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