my deck tells me it snowed last night.
i was driving in it last night as well as the garbs, mishi and i made our way over to north vancouver for burgers at browns social house (not brown's but browns...marv newland told me years ago when he was doing work for earls restraunts and asked who the earls were and they responded that it was a person not multiple guys named earl...he then asked why there was no apostrophe and they told him that the general public was confused by those in names of business'. so starbucks, earls, browns, etc. have no apostrophes. weird.)
i know browns may not appeal, initially to some of you but they really do make a good burger. you should try it - we, mishi and i, discovered the goodness of their burgers when we went with issy to a browns in richmond.
today we're suppose to go to bellingham but i'm not sure if we're gonna go today or wait a few weeks until the snowy roads and such are gone. i sure could use some trader joe's goodness though and a burrito at casa que pasa.
i'm gonna let mishi make the call.
g. xo
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