the watson twins have a new album coming out...just thought i'd tell ya. i was a big fan of the last watson offering, fire songs, and i am listening the new one as we speak and it's pretty good...upbeat action from the sisters. it's called talking to you, talking to me...keep and ear out for it. good stuff..
ok. so i was walking by the art gallery the other day, ore of an art museum really but...and they have this installation outside that looks a lot like the waxy paper you'd line drawers with, or sometimes old chrome furniture has patterns like this on it...i kinda like it. very bold and drape like. good color for the winter.
ok..so i ate at topanga last night...the garbs called me up and he needed to eat - shocker - and once he was in the car there was no turning back. tammy and dez came in part way through our meal and joined us...nice. afterwards i drove the garbs to see the new east van sign at clarke and great northern way - after i had given him some background on it and such...i won't go into it here...long, boring, not important. i'll take a pic of the sign to show you at some point...it's not original but i really like it.
ok...i'm off to hockey...
g. xo
is that sign supposed to look like a Christian cross?
i don't know if the original graffiti, which it was, was suppose to be - the dog town cross that it was stolen from - but it sure is now.
I didn't make the dog town connection. The East Van sign is quite striking.
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