In other news.
Our gal Mishi has made her own way to St.. Paul’s hospital – home of Issy’s nursing training – and decided to have her appendix out. Well, I guess it’s not a decision you really make but rather your body decides it’s time and someone else decides when it’s coming out. Last night at around 8 p.m. was her time …. I hope it went well and will get a report soon enough I’m sure. (On a slightly more serious note..It is an operation and while I make light of here to a degree, I do worry about things such as this and hope all goes as it should. She’s a light of immense power in my life and I would be lost without her…bright lights kid, bright lights. )
After some re-working the new lawn order shirts will finally, hopefully next week, get printed…the design for the back was a little overworked and made to look too perfect by subbing this and that and that’s not what I wanted…I wanted the sign from the window at the Topanga for the back and took pictures of it and had Byron cut it out and ….then another cook came into the kitchen, and god bless him he thought he was doing the right thing, and he made it all squeaky clean…so back to the Byron we’ve gone and I’m happier for it…Andrew from Topanga is using the design for his own shirts so there will be new Topanga café shirts as well coming down the pipe.
No word from the queen yet. I suspect she’s out living it up on her honeymoon somewhere in the Las Vegas area…lord help them.
More as it develops.
g. xo
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