yup. today i was at one with the masses. and i'm not opposed to riding the bus but, i don't like to transfer. once you have to transfer it all goes wrong.
i decided to get larry today and bring him back into town after his vacation in tsawwassen for the last year. so, after my chiro appointment today i drove out there and, after giving larry a nice wash, i got some insurance and we were away....and it felt good i have to say. and i think larry was loving it...i took him to, yet, another new mechanic, recommended by my good buddy riz, and left larry there in his capable hands and will, hopefully hear back soon about how he's doing and when he'll be ready to take through aircare. pretty exciting.
then there was the long bus ride back to issy's place which took three buses and a couple of transfers...i also went by meinhardt to see if lindsay was working because i had a hankering for a sandwich but alas she wasn't working....so i grabbed a juice and made my way back to the bus stop where, on my way, i ran into new home owner jen with one N...good kid that one...after a short talk i was off to catch the people's limo.
issy had egg salad sandwiches waiting when i got back so it was well worth the trip...
tonight, after my big day on the streets, i headed over to marcy and byron's to do a little weed whacking and get a camera lesson from byron - i bought a new canon G9 recently and wanted to see a few tricks and pointers that byron said he could show me...thanks byron...it's really a cool camera and i'm loking forward to using it more as a manual camera.
i, also, the other day, opened up the camera case stewart lent me and started having a better look at the bellows camera he lent me...i'm excited to try it out. i have a little project i want to do and this may be the camera i use...
ok..i need to get on the floor and do some back excercises...exciting...
have a great night.
g. xo
marcy loves her backyard...

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