tomorrow will mark either the fourth or fifth anniversary of me quitting smoking...i can't remember. and maybe it doesn't matter when and much as that i did. i smoked like a champ and if it was good for me, i'd still be the champ. i sure loved it. and it's funny because there are friends of mine, the garbs and corie, to name just two, who also were superstars in this field...and they have come out the other side of it but i know, if it was as good for you as we wish it was, they'd be yellowing their fingers along with the rest of us...but alas, it's not so good for you and i guess, it's good i have put the pack away.
tomorrow will be wednesday and the next day will be thursday...that's all. i know at one point in my life, long ago, new year's eve meant something...it meant getting loaded or at least a good attempt at that...then it crossed over into working every new year's eve - bars and restaurants - and making cash and instead of getting loaded that night it became getting loaded the next day at english bay before plunging into the water there and staying in until they, the lifeguards, forced us out of the water - 52 minutes my personal best...ten years of cold water and i finally had to give it a pass...
i think like most of the holidays i have given a pass to the drinking and such and adopted the odd dinner with pals, hanging with issy, eating at the grove and hanging with one or two pals on the eve of a new year....and that's what it will be this year. tomorrow night megan will be coming here and we'll either make our way to a movie, get a snack out or watch movies here and keep it local...i decided a while back that i need to watch, from the beginning, 30 Rock, so that may be on the agenda tomorrow night...i'm also hot to see the new clint eastwood vehicle 'gran torino' as well so...and i kinda want grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner...man, i know how to party...
if any of that appeals to you...come on by...
today was more coffee with 'he who can not be named on the blog' and tomorrow may be the same thing as we've finally settled into a groove of actually seeing each other as opposed to talking about it...
have fun...be safe and we'll see ya next year...
i love each and every one of you. i really do.
g. xo
Happy New Year! I'll be rambling around downtown no doubt.
go girl...
g. xo
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