mishi called me this morning and asked how i was - which isn't that unusual except that she was asking because the garbs and i had had exactly the same thing for dinner last night, a burger, and now he's very sick. i feel fine with the slight exception of a cold i have been trying to get rid of, but the poor garbs is hurtin'...i won't go into the details that i know, but poor garbs. and now i'm waiting for the burger to takes its toll on me...but i'm guessing i would know by now if it was gonna...such a good burger too...
take care little fella....

i helped 'he who can not be named on the blog' move a few things outta his place yesterday. he's been 'cleaning house' lately and an ikea computer desky thing and a love seat were yesterday's items leaving the yard. it was suppose to be me helping 'transport' things to a couple of people, but it quickly turned into 'moving'....which i really love. and since we, i, wanted to do it in one load we ended-up using cable and a bungee cord to hold it all in as it hung out the end of the element...it was much more secure than it looked but i'm sure it caused some concern to those driving behind us. the computer desk went to a woman and her husband near granville island who are much less fortunate and have a set of life long problems that make you not mind parking in front of their building on the sidewalk, moving the desk inside, riding the world's slowest elevator, taking it down the hallway and then moving swiftly to get the hell outta there...it's good...a good deed.

the love seat went to a house at 60th and main in the basement suite...where we had to take the door off of the hinges and move it through a area that housed the washer and dryer and another couch while being watched by several people who were in different stages of having their hair cut or 'done' somehow... think they may have been running an underground hair salon...it was all very interesting. he still has a huge tv he needs to get rid of - if anyone wants it....and some nice button up men's shirts size large...and he's a dapper fella so....

went and saw my pal chad yesterday as well at his shop up on fraser street...good guy that chad, and re-met his gal pal who, i think, if she had her way would be driving larry as her daily driver...it was funny as she talked to me and with each story or thing that i was connected to she gradually figured out who i was and that she had met me before....the car was the last thing that made it all make sense to her...very nice woman than jen. maybe it's two n's...i dunno.
then it was burger time, well food time...i hadn't decided on what to have for dinner but in the end, after driving around trying to decide, it was burger time...now, i'm not gonna say where we ended-up because the proof ain't in the pudding yet...and may never be...i feel fine, the garbs, not so much...i feel for him though....relax buddy, sleep, drink some liquids, relax...more tv....
more as it develops.
g. xo
1 comment:
ok everyone..its flue season so get your flue shot and increase your vit C.
Yep..this means you
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