just as a FYI, and you may already know all of this but, i'm gonna put it out there to stop people from making faux pas when they run into me or shauna...shauna and i - while very much in love - have decided to go to our separate corners and as such shauna has moved into a new place, a very nice place, in the west end. it not something that makes either of us super happy but suffice to say, some things - as much as you'd love for them to fit and be perfect (and a lot was so great, it really was), sometimes love isn't enough and things have to turn into something else...in this case, a great friendship - which we already have - will, hopefully, continue and we can drive each other crazy as friends instead. i know i've probably said more than enough but, i just wanted to say that...
her new place is really a nice pad, with newly finished hardwood floors, new paint, and feels good. she's in ang and allison's building so that's cool having pals so close by - easy stumbling distance home late at night. good times.
i have been fumbling along as best i can, and i have to say my back feels at least reasonable right now as i write this. i have been doing the home traction still and my excercises - even though they - or really just my doctor - basically said none of it would do any good. and even if it'll never be 'fixed' it's more about managing the pain so this is the only way i know how to do this for now. my pal lena suggested a pilates place she did some training at and i dropped them a line but haven't heard back yet...maybe i'll have to rattle their cage a little more...
i was hoping to go to santa cruz before the tenth of sept. but it doesn't look as though that will happen...i am still heavy into the headquarter job - that keeps getting pushed along and the on the 15th i start my two week run at hammered and pickled maning the store while the garbs and mishi are in england. so come on down and see me there if you're so inclined.
the countdown had officially begun...i just forgot to start it at ten and count down...come wed. morning i should be a driver's licence carrying member of society once again...i can't decide if i should shave this itchy thing on face into some good male trimmage or if i should keep it full or shave it off....a goatee and sideburns could look pretty good...so many options...
i think i'm gonna have a shower and then go roam the streets....look for me...
g. xo
i ran into jessica, owner of the templeton restaurant on granville st., i don't think i had seen her for at least a year...so we played catch-up and now i feel like going there and getting danielle to make me a milkshake...

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