i'm off today to measure up a new GP that has been recommended to me - a GP that my good pal tobe goes to and he seems to like him so...maybe i will too. as you may or may not know, my last GP, who i went to for many years over in kits, had a heart attack and is now taking it easy, so i have been without a regular doc. for a little while now...when i was at emergency the other morning the resident (i think he was....) suggested this new guy who, besides his practice across the street from st. paul's, also is an attending at st. paul's...so we'll see today if we hit it off and make plans for a second date.
i'm also going to explore some eastern medicine and see about some acupuncture. there's a woman that k-win and lisa go to up on burrard street that i'm gonna drop-in on...i've never had the pins stuck in me but at this point i'll try anything.
also, i'd like to thank everyone who has sent suggestions my way of people to see and things to try...i'm looking into all the options and going from there...
i've got shit to do that doesn't involve doctors as well - helping to get the new headquarter store in richmond going (unless he's found someone else since i've been a bit flaky because of my pain....), a couple new signs for topanga cafe, getting a new phone because telus has been fucking me for too long and it's time to say adios to them...and maybe even, in time, losing my home phone as well...i hardly ever use it...and somehow getting my new sunglasses from issy - who smuggled them in from point bob for me.....
talk later.
g. xo
here are a couple random pics form the last while....
my pal jenn was in sweden and saw this yarn/knitting store called 'garn'.

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