as many of you know, i have a 1962 comet wagon that i lovingly call 'larry'. i love larry. larry came to me by way of ted layman, a guy in burlingame, california - just outside san francisco. it has been his grandmother's car and he had to sell it due to a the fact he was moving to park city, utah.
i have had larry, for about eight years and now am thinking it may be time to pass him on to someone else who will love him the way i have loved him. and i know, if i do sell him, that i will cry and be a bit of a mess for more than a little while...but maybe it's the right thing to do...
i need to know that i'm doing the right thing, by either deciding to keep him or to sell him - or just put him into storage while i think about it a little more....but where? you have a garage i can use..?...know of one?....
i love larry. there's been a lot of blood, sweat and a lot of tears put into that guy. trips all over the states, to ball games, to halifax and back, to santa cruz, etc...
what to do....
i need help...
if you have any ideas or suggestions...please e.mail me...
g. xo
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