i should have just headed back to bed.
not much went right after about noon yesterday. i'm not going to go into great detail but, it was a shitter. so, around 3:30 in the afternoon, i decided that staying home for the rest of the day would be a good idea. of course, once i was settled in i saw things around the house i could do so...i was busy, sort of. so many little things to do. so much dust and crap to sweep up. floors to wash - that's one of today's activities. nice.
i'm gonna head to the depot, which should be good, a little later on to see what's what and get some supplies i need, then maybe see the kids on the island and don the santa suit mishi has down there - almost a tradition now, and then head to see a movie tonight with ang. busy. nice. my windows are pretty dirty too....
tomorrow morning sees me and anyone who'd like to join me, at the grove restaurant around 9:00 am for my yearly eggs florentine breakfast. i'm a little nervous since they now serve sushi and since i only go there about once a year, i don't know if they even have the florentine anymore...i'm gambling.
have fun today. i need to get going.
g. xo
corey, not that one and different one, gets ready to head out and see what's what...

i fixed megan's ducting yesterday. handy. kind of.

They still serve a good plate of eggs even though they are serving sushi (couldn't imagine going there for sushi). Can't promise that they have the florentine though. Wish we could be there with you. We'll join ya in spirit though.
Al and Kwin.
we're in Portland but I'll be at the Grove in spirit tomorrow morning. Love you. K-win xo
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