last november, i think, jojo called me up (at 5 bux a minute....) while i was in tucson with spike, to ask me for some advice on a painting she was thinking of buying, i knew the piece as i had also seen the show she was at and said, while i wasn't a huge fan (although i don't remember if i told her or not that i wasn't a fan...anyhow...) i did say that the piece was cool and at the very least she would get her money back, probably a little more, should she decide to sell it later on if she didn't like it anymore or needed the money. well, fast forward basically one year and now this collective's work - known as FAILE, has now become the latest big deal with canvas' like hers selling for upwards of 40,000 dollars. nice. i sent her a link to an auction that had just happened of thier work and she has now contacted sothaby's and will be adding her piece to the next auction in feb. it's estimated that it will go for between 12 and 16 thousand pounds sterling. you can't get that kind of return in rrsp's. goodwork network. now, about my commision of the advice.....
the weekend is here and i'm heading out to point bob to mail some ebay crap and also to issy's to drop off a couple of things and grab a peanut butter sandwich.
more later...
g. xo
and i managed to rip my shorts once again. it seems i rip and ruin more shorts that don't really fit me (see big...), than ones that do fit me....
sorry for swearing in your journal, but holy fuck that's a lot of dough. jeez louise.
i miss point roberts. i used to ride my bike across the ditch to get there as a kid for cheaper candy buys in the 70s, avoiding the border completely. breakin' the law!
(aren't you glad i shared?)
don't worry g....i'll take you out to dinner when i get my cheque! ;) jox
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