it's been a fast week. we're working away and getting shit done but at a really great pace. i've cut a few lawns after work, ate a couple burgers, gone to an art show and ...done other stuff as well that i can't remember off hand. and other things i can remember. clearly.
i went to the bank today to wire money to my friend ronnie in LA for the Dzama painting and such - and there is an 'and such' involved but it's small and just an added bonus for spending a bunch of cash on art. it was kinda weird - at the bank. sometimes you just know that the person helping you - in whatever capacity it is and for whatever service, just doesn't have a clue what they're doing...god bless 'em, they just don't. that was the bank today. thank god his supervisor, aysha, came by just to see how he was doing and she corrected all his mistakes and dotted his 'i's' and such. so the money is now whisking its way down to santa monica and, hopefully, sooner than later, the paintings will find thier way to my walls. this may be a job for suzanne.
tonight may be baseball at nat bailey, a guy my grandfather used to go to the track with way back when and see the canadians toss a few around in an effort to simulate minor league baseball. should be good for a hot dog or two.
tomorrow a few lawns with the garbs and a visit at louise's place to see what the hell i have to do while she's away on the rock visiting....i think it's changing kitty litter and feeding the little rodents.
ok...more as it develops.
g. xo
people wonder what my desk looks like., well here.

is that the state of the art, changed your life chair? xo k-win
yes. i love it. we'll see if it makes my sore neck and back go away...but it's a great chair.
g. xo
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