the other night i came home and when i got out of my car i saw a wardrobe bag on my pal, mick's, car. it was late and i thought he had, maybe, forgotten it so i grabbed it and took it upstairs. i knocked on his door but got no answer. i took it to my place and kinda wondered what to do next. then, after another night up late, i decided that since i was going to be at work all day that i should just put the bag back - which i discovered was home to a tuxedo - and let whomever lost it to find it again where they left it. after i did i was walking back to the elevator and saw a note from the person who had lost it. he has put it on mick's car while he was loading a bunch of other things for HIS wedding, but forgot it and drove away- TO SURREY, where he was and now is getting married. his note looked paniced because he was now without tux. i grabbed the tux off the car and decided to take it with me to work and give him a call and get him back on track for his big day....he was very happy to hear from me. the details of the exchange are boring but, then again, he did do a couple of weird things while i was givig him the tux but, well, i'll chalk them up to cultural difference. but then as i was saying my goodbye to him, he handed me an envelope and said it was a small thank-you for getting his tux back to him. i said there was no need to give me anything but he/they insisted so i took it and said thanks. and they were on there way. happy and ready to be wed. so nice. as i drove away i opened the card and besides a nice bit of writing saying thanks was sixty dollars....hhhmmmm....i'm always a little freked out when i get cash for doing what i think is just the right thing to do...so i have decided to do something with the money that helps someone else out. in fact, it's already been paid forward - i feel better about that.
the t-shirt show is tonight and will be a lof of fun i'm sure. i think issy may be making an appearance helping out and i may get a special suit for the occassion. corie has worked very hard and is now going to get to see the fruits of all his labour tonight. good job skippy!
more details later. i have to go and try and cut a few lawns in the rain so eople don't think i have given up on them....
g. xo
thanks for the tux...

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