i was gonna cut a couple lawns today but when i had a look at keith's lawn and thought it could use another day before i cut it so i'll have a big day cutting wed. i'll be in seattle tomorrow with penelope, mishi and the garbis watching baseball...the garbs has never seen a game before so i thought it would be good as a little pre-birthday treat. he says he wants to eat something different every inning. good lord. he may puke if he does that trick.
today was a busy one considering i didn't cut any lawns. i had to pick-up some redi-rod and such at a place in burnaby for my uncle and then take it over to his place along with some plates i made - without smashing my head open. he seemed pleased with the goods so away i went after ranting a little about the state of the union.
then a little bank action and home to get the honda all sorted out for the trip south - i never have the rear seats in the element so i had to figure out how to get them back in....i'm not going to lie, there was some swearing involved.
i also took the motorbike out for a spin tonight - first time this year. it was good...i ended-up at topanaga and had dinner with penelope. tomorrow it will be mama's mexican kitchen for dinner...and there will be a great deal of cheese involved....then hot dogs at the game...could be a rough ride home....
report later.
g. xo
a guy eating at topanga tonight has a harley with this plate. what the hell is hogtag? and it had a black sheepskin seat cover and when he left he put on ear warmers....

mishi got herself some new shades.

they need lawn order.

and you need spell check. devon rules, ha. you probably think it's funny but i miss van. i'd lov eto go watch baseball with you guys. hindenburg=blue jays hmm. have a great day buddy.
yikes...all fixed-up. sometimes i'm just going like a bastard and forget to check the spelling....so fuckin' sue me.
g. xo
man, do i ever miss mama's and their cadillac margarita on the rocks. and since the CDN dollar is so strong indulging in the $8 patron marg probably wouldn't seem like such an insane thing to do...
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