i have no idea who she is but she kinda looks like a man really...out of the blue she made some comments on my blog. she is going through a nasty divorce so please feel free to e.mail her and tell her she looks like a guy in drag...
her blog adress is:
good times.
g. xo
She randomly came in and called me a whore, and then told me she "knows I am reading her email".....
Crazy bitch, I've never seen her before in my life. You are too funny, she does look like a man!!!
Pink sock is your boyfriends anal cavity.
Heh Garn this is better than TV anyday!!
Hope your head feels better..xo
oh jayme...yer so witty...
see ya in vegas.
g. xo
Hey sorry I was trying to delete her bullshit comment and I accidentally deleted the whole post, I re-posted it though so if you go back and comment again it should work!!! She's psychotic, she thinks I'm sleeping with her ex-husband which is the most absurd thing I've ever heard seeing as I've never seen her before in my life!!!!!!!!
Do you guys put things like canned hams up each others asses?
work on the wit sister/brother...so lame...
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