yesterday i decided i would stay close to home and do domestic duties and let the head settle a little. i feel pretty good actually - considering. i didn't take any advil until around bedtime as the head started to ache a little then. it's weird having a part of your head numb to the touch - i wonder how long that will last. issy says i shouldn't play hockey but i have a game saturday afternoon, i should be good to go by then...doncha think?
speaking of hockey, the bombers - our new team consisting of ex-pats from MHL and a few other castoffs, got our new hockey sweaters/jerseys last night. after long debate on the net and countless e.mails we ended-up with old pittsburgh colors that i think look excellent. what's funny, i think, is that a while back - way back - i was discussing the name with dean and brent i think, and i said we should have a name like "al's bombers" but there's really no guy named al. and now we're called the bombers, so it kinda stuck. i like that. and i just want to say thanks to muc who took the bull by the horns and made it all happen after all those shitty back and forth e.mails and, seemingly, endless debate over colors and sizes, etc...good work...! some of us met at byron's last night and talked hockey and had cheese and crackers and party mix. i had had pizza earlier in the night with the garbs and mishi so what was a little more cheese?.....i'm paying now....
for those who care, i may hit the road sunday and make my way to the land of sun and spring league baseball....maybe. i'll keep you posted.
g. xo
random bomber jersey party pics.
pete is happy woth his new socks.

the view from byron's place.

blair tries on the new gear.

the boys.

byron shows his stick technique.

he's a bomber.

You guys look gay
well, at least we don't look like a shemale or female impersonator...
good times.
Which one of you gets to fuck the other?
The shaggy haired one looks way more like the lady.
you have man-hands don't you?
come on...is it jayme or is it really james....?
and ease up on the pancake make-up sister...or brother....
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