garn went a little crazy...i was very edgy this morning after spike left for work. i'm not sure why but i do know this, and it could be a huge factor i am not really tuning into, like i should be...there's no good coffee in this town. period. forget starbucks, i ain't going there..and i've only seen one anyways. i have been to epic, beyond bread, ragin' sage, milano-had hope for that one but they made it so fuckin' hot! and today i thought i may send home some of the shit i bought the garbs so i wouldn't lose it, have it stolen or break it on the way back...but the guys at the post office are kinda dicks. so i will be doing the transporting home of the goods and grabs will just have to wait...i have also discovered that most of the mexican food here is made for the gringos. not very spicey or really that much flavor...you pretty much have to add salsa or some sort of hot sauce to everything...the food is good but needs more kick. i went to a place over on country club drive today that sucked. no amount of sauce would have helped it so i went out afterwards, took a few photos and then headed to nico's for a burrito. i had to.
i went to the centre for photographic art today to see the richard avedon show. you've seen his photos many times i'm sure. in fact, i was thinking i knew his name and then as soon as i walked in the gallery i thought, "oh, that guy...". it was excellent-except for the women working the joint-two young students who probably go to the university and have this as a job while going to school-they followed me around the gallery and at every turn were right there. watching me look at the photographs. it was like they thought i was going to steal the pieces. hard to really enjoy the show when you're being watched. bitches.
check out his work at:
i bought some foam today as well. i think on the way home i'd like to not feel the metal bar on the floor of the element as i sleep. they're setting up for a street fair right near the foam shop that runs friday, saturday and sunday. thank god i'll be outta here by then...damn hippies.
spike and i are going to go to nogales, mexico tomorrow just because. it's about an hour from here down the only road marked in kilometers in the whole union. i realize now i never mentioned this the other day when i went to the titan silo. during the carter administration the metric system was, at one point, being considered as a replacement for the imperial measurement system. the first highway and area they changed over was I-19 which branches off of I-10 just outside of tucson and heads due south to nogales. and as a side note: there is a nogales, AZ and a nogales, sonara mexico. one looks very different from the other. it's interesting to see signs in kilometers as you're driving a US interstate. also, they have the actual max. speed allowed posted in imperial and the distance to wherever you're going in kilometers. i guess they could make it all the way over to the metric system.
ok..i need a little relax before dinner.
today was sign day. i went and took pictures of a bunch of signs i had seen over and over that i wanted pictures of. the weather and sun really does a number on the signage here.
g. xo
t and t market moves south.

love the old hanging tire.


need a used car?

front area of the richard avedon show.

at least one biker likes this bar.

just off the highway there's this great hotel.

come on in.

a mission style church downtown tucson.

1 comment:
Nice to see all that blooo sky!
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