it's really kind of a cool thing, the world series. it has nothing to do with any other country than the united states, well, maybe canada sometimes but really, it's about the US of A...no teams from japan or korea...no mexican teams, no teams from europe...anyhow...it's still a cool event.. in hockey, and i love the hockey, it's so easy to get into the playoffs, so easy to coast and make the top 16 or whatever number they're playing with now...in baseball you have to play to win every one of the 162 games throughout the season...or you're fucked. it used to be that in the end two teams from the american league made it, and two from the national league...that's it...the rest went golfing. now eight teams make it and away they go...and whether or not you think baeball is stupid or slow or a game for fat althetes, it's exciting in the playoffs. the garbs became a fan this year...i think.. daisley brings over the honey roasted peanuts and calls 'em as he sees 'em... bull misses the whole thing, partially my fault this year and others drop by here and there...most notably marc belke who made a good game better this year....no brent or earl fudger this year...that's a real name...i kid you not....hot dogs were eaten, drinks drunk, and hands were thrown in the air over and over as the tigers pitchers failed over and over to make the throws they needed to make...oh well.. good for the cards...david eckstein was voted MVP...great for the little guy....tony larussa won the big one for the second time in 17 years...it was good. i would like to have seen it go longer, even with the tigers losing in the end...more baseball equals more drama and more hot dogs and more...more stuff...more dirty hands and missed chances. good times. i'm rambling. i love baseball. i don't followw it as closely as others or as i should but i love it. i love the simplicity, the tradition, the brooks robinson type stabs made by third basemen and the long throw to first. i was glad to have gone to the first game of the ALCS this year in oakland. it was fun and worth every cent. so here's to the tigers and the cards...thanks. i guess i'll have to start paying attention to the red wings...maybe...now that stevie and brendan are gone it's a tough go..

today was an errand kind of day...mishi's crazy aunt in sweden sent her birthday present to her old address...not her address at my place or her place on commercial drive...nope...her address on beatty street where she lived almost ten years ago...so, and it's a long boring story, i had to figure out a way to intercept the package...which i did and i picked it up from the guy who now lives in that suite on beatty street...he works at rethink on pender and seems like a good guy...i didn't actually meet him but spoke with him on the phone...worked out. thanks matt....

had coffee with the queen today...the network was driving by and saw my car and dropped in...kinda hard to miss larry....the network is off to seattle this weekend to dance the soles of her feet off...there's some halloween action down there as well...the queen has some sort of party thing this weekend as well...i'll be staying home and/or playing hockey saturday...nice.

have fun...i need a nap...
g. xo
1 comment:
Hah cool! My mom is a partner at Rethink. What a cool company. :)
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