yup...we're out there all right...burning it up good. out past mission, past mission city, past hatzac lake and beyond, inland, to danny virtue's ranch. man, yer out there. it's beautiful...until you see the big smoke we're making all in the name of geting it caught on film for this block/nutbuster 'shooter'.
i'm tired, corie's tired, al's tired, eric's tired...we're all fuckin' tired...so enjoy the pics...
oh..i also drove by my great grand parents place in hammond. it's now a hertitage house called...wait for it....'harry house'. pretty cool.
i need a nap.
g. xo
my great grand parents place in hammond. my father's grand father. my father was named after him - floyd. he had a son named garnet. i was named after him.

the shriner gets down making cork hits on the farm.

eric and corie enjoy the smoke.

mike gets attended to by the craft service woman. he was hoping for a sandwich.

corie gets back to his urban roots.

gitte, a pal of mishi's and mine. she does make-up...she makes marky mark look good.


1 comment:
there are scary dudes out there...i saw some hitch hiking...
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