this morning the network was heading off to halifax to visit her parents. due to all the recent bomb action and the usual airport crap, she had to be there 2 hours before her flight..then she got a message that her flight was leaving an hour earlier...so at six thirty a.m. the network was having a mini-meltdown...i don't blame her but i did my best to try and calm her down...but i was in the shower and she had called a cab and then she was gone...she made it...i knew she would...
then i headed to work to meet a teamster brother at 6:45 am...he showed up at 7:45 am...close...then..the good times just got better..i had to head up to set for the day...and i had none of my set gear with me..so i went home, got my shit and let the good times roll...
i just got home...anyhow..it was good...i'm not a huge fan of set but every once in a while i like to go and play...below are pics from the day there up in the seymour demonstration forest...on the set of Shitter.. sorry...Shooter...
have fun...
g. xo
'the shriner' came out to play today....

making movie history in the woods...

neil, an ex of my best pal fawn and good pal to my ex mishi...i like neil...i tell him stories and he seems to listen and laugh...

i made a few bombs today....

stewart bradley...old school spfx dude...i love him but he's a nutbar...

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