in a move i could have only wished for...i made a great trade this week in the world of toys...well, kind of a trade. i sold three kozik bone bunnies to a local dude - a tattoo artist guy...seems very nice...and then turned around and purchased on ebay one of the finest toys ever made - as far as i'm concerned. (finest in the world of so-called urban vinyl...not like a g.i. joe with the kung-fu grip kind of a toy...) i won on ebay the much coveted Grey King Ken by artist James Jarvis. this completes the set for me...there are actually two more king ken's but i don't need or want them...i have now the orange (whose actual name is king keith), the rare white version (king konrad), grey (original king ken) and pink (?) which is coming soon in the mail from clutter magazine..man, i am such a nerd...got rid of three toys, bought one...that's what i like to see. and i'm still ahead money from the bone bunnie sale.
going to topanga tonight to fix their neon sign that went out when they had the big power surge. hopefully i can get it going...and not electrocute myself...i bought a new transformer and am good to go...next i have to try and track down a ballast thingy for their beer fridge...so they can see what's what. you'd think i was a handy man or something, except that, i'm not really that handy....
also below are pics corie sent to me from the boys week of work up on the whistler glacier..good times and sun burns...
here's to you...
garn xo

1 comment:
Those bunnies are super cute. So hey Garn, Of Montreal will be playing the Plaza Club on Sept 1. Only $16, you down?
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