yes, it's finally come to this. tomorrow morning sometime, the wrecker dude - a guy named glenn campbell, is coming to take the Coolertor away to GMC van heaven. i'd be lying if i said i wasn't a little sad...because i am. the Coolerator helped me get lawn order up and running, i had a few good naps in the Coolerator, the garbs yelled at more than a few people from the passenger side, marc used the Coolerator when marcy and i were in France-he babysat the Coolerator, the Coolerator hauled away literally tons of shit from jessica's place when she was renovating her house, the Coolertaor helped sherry move, the Coolerator took the boys to hockey many times, the Coolerator visited Libby in seattle when i went down to get my giant neon letter G, The Coolertaor helped many in many different ways, marcy, mishi, tobe and pam, garbs, jessica z and jessica s, k-win, judy, issy, and many others used the Coolerator..so say a little prayer for the Coolerator tonight before you go to bed and be thinking of him tomorrow as he goes to van heaven-somewhere in surrey.
i'm sad but it's the right thing to do. really. love ya buddy, i really do.
garn xoxo
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