it's been a strange and somewhat weird 72 hours or so...there i was friday afternoon sitting eating a sandwich at meinhardt on south granville, just minding my own business when i heard someone say, "hey, you buyin?"....and i turn and look to see who's talking to me and it's issy...nice. she was coming into town to meet-up with mishi and give her some stuff she picked up for her in point roberts, and then to see her eye doctor...she was parked in the alley and when i told her she may get towed she said, "who fuckin' cares...?"...nice. that's our it.
thursday night saw me as poor a communicator as i can be and while i have nothing to add to that except to say, well, nothing, nevermind. i'm human and i tripped and am just trying to get back up. i've been better and will be again.
today was a big lawn order action day. last weekend's lack of lawn cutting made today's work a stacked affair with me having to play catch-up on my usual trap line as well as do some extra lawns as people had called and e.mailed with requests for cutting today...ok. so it all started in richmond this morning at the dog lawn - a lawn that's really like three lawns and ended in west vancouver 10 lawns later...good lord. ten lawns that in reality was like 12 or more. a big vitamin D kinda day...and i managed to get two knocked off last night as well for an even dozen for the weekend. tomorrow i'm gonna sleep in...maybe even until 8 am...and then do nothing. lately i've been having a craving for fish and chip so maybe tomorrow's dinner will be at 'finest at sea' on (g)arbutus street...
i'm getting more tomatoes but nothing red yet...k-win had a great idea...i think i may get katherine to write up a how-to for growing tomatoes...because i haven't got a fuckin' plants are huge but really not year i'll get it right. i hope...i'm still hoping for a decent crop here from my amazon style plants.
marcy's come into town tonight for a day at the track and later an art opening and in between is gonna have dinner with me...
it ended up a dinner with four of us and it was at my usual haunt, toppy's - as 'he who can not be named on the blog' calls it...and i have to say, and this is with some trepidation, that it could, maybe, have been the worst service/meal i have had there ever. perhaps. maybe. and i don't like to dis' that place - ever. but marcy, who hadn't been there in a long time said it was like being at a different restaurant. there were at least two staff members that, if i was the boss, would have been fired. fired. gone. adios. it was.
ok. i'm gonna finish up watching the runaways movie now - which thus far has been pretty forgettable...
ok. night night.
g. xo