i wish i had a better way to say this, i really do, but i don't - i have said things about this before, and been critical, and been sympathetic as well, i get it, i really do but, now, not so much. or, not at all. those of you who participate in the end of the month log jam that is critical mass, well, i'm done with you. and i know that at least one reader of this blog - a guy i have a great deal of respect for and a man whom i call a friend, will be unhappy about my stance but, i can't even remotely support this circus made up of marc emery supporters. i know they're different causes but, they seem to attract the same sort.
the last friday of every month - except those months where it's too cold for the great unwashed - they gather, the cyclists, at the art gallery, smoke a bunch of pot - not that i'm against smoking pot, have a few drinks and then go out and clog the city's arteries just because they can - all in the name of bringing attention to their cause. more bike lanes. more bikes in general. more pedal power. ok. sure. good idea but ya know what, some of us make our living driving a car. or truck. we pay our mortgages by doing this. our jobs. we can't use a bike to do our jobs. but they, the cyclists, that are so hard done by - and since we've given them the bike lane on the burrard st. bridge and now the dunsmuir lane, and the lane on the viaduct, and tons of other lanes around the city and 50 million allocated towards more lanes....well, it's just not enough for these gregor wanna-be's. (gregor the eco-nazi....) why is it that driving a car is now like smoking a cigarette and blowing the smoke in someone's face? should i go on welfare instead of driving a car for work? are cars that evil? most of my car-less friends sure get smiles on their faces when i offer them a ride home...but they don't do critical mass. they're smarter than that.
i get that we all need to walk more. ride more. etc..i get it. but don't tell me what to do or how to do it....i'll make my own decisions thanks.
so what to do? well, nothing i suppose, i'm not here to tell anyone what to do - never would. but, i can voice my disapproval. i can make it known i think the way they are trying to get people on their side is completely retarded and counterproductive. nothing like pissing people off to make them hate you even more than they already do.
but hey....who am i? really? just a guy trying to make a living. and if i can't do my job i'll just go on welfare and be a burden to society because the critical mass folks think it's cool to block traffic downtown so people can't get home after a week of working hard and not being a dope smokin' bike fucktard.
and why is it that they can gather at the art gallery and smoke pot and drink and then go ride around the streets escorted by the cops? why can't i smoke some pot and have a few too many drinks and go drive my car around, block some traffic and be an asshole...? oh, right, it's illegal. but for some reason the cyclists are allowed to do it. why? because the cops in this city are pussies. so many of the cyclists in this city, not all, but a fuck of a lot, don't obey the rules of the road, run stop signs, don't wear helmets, but get all high and mighty when they get cut off after running a stop sign....well, fuck it.
sure, i'm ranting and i reserve the right to take back some of this but come on...the city has bent over backwards to help the cyclists feel all warm and fuzzy but they don't seem to care...or notice...and i ride around this town from time to time...i like biking when my back allows it....but i can't align myself with any of the critical mass folks. i just can't. it's so self centered. so myopic. so arrogant.
ok. i'm done.
i love you.
g. xo