i've never been one to drink as a result of stress or in troubled times as i don't, or didn't see it as a means to anything, in the end. i, however, in the past week or so, have taken to having a few beverages purely for sport. ok. fine. to calm my worried mind. or something. not more than a couple of drinks - well, saturday corie, neil and i had more than two each but, that's an exception to be sure. the other night, as i moved, yet, another load of stuff to the new place, i stopped in at topanga for a quick meal as i still didn't have any food at my place, and found myself with a margarita and beer in front of me. thanks goodness. that and the taco and enchilada made everything ok. my drinking, drinking days are well behind me, many years behind, but i still do love a good margarita and that dos equis ain't so bad either.
the boxes have given way to art work yet to go up - although the majority of art has found a place and new home on the walls of the new place. it's feeling better there. still a ways to go - stuff finding a home in a closet or cupboard, a desk to be made, books to be put on shelves that don't exist yet, a bbq to be bought (damn, they's expensive for a decent unit...but well worth it...), a table for outside to be made - paralam and aluminum..., a bed frame to be put together, etc...but soon, very soon, a housewarming thingy/open house will be happening soon - i'm hoping that this will happen before xmas...complete with floyd's world famous baked beans, garn's pulled pork sandwiches and sonoran hot dogs...plus some veggies for the weak of heart...or those wanting to save their heart.
oh. shaw finally figured out that i do, indeed, live at 1680 not 1698...so that's good...telus, on the other hand, is having a problem with this...still. more as this develops. it's pretty good though.
have a great thursday.
g. xo