marcy called me last sunday and suggested we go to seattle friday night and see richmond fontaine and our pal - lead fontaine - willy vlautin. i hadn't seen richmond fontaine for a couple of years - the last time sticking in my head for a variety of reasons - and wanted to see them, so, i agreed...i mean there's nothing i like doing more than heading down to seattle after working all day, and being up since 5:45 am....but i had done it before so what the fuck...
it was really great...we made the border by 7:00 pm, sat around in the customs and immigration for a while while they figured out whether or to let us in...well, mainly me, in...and then we were on our way....side note: another couple sitting next to us and looking very unhappy, were finally brought to the desk and i overheard part of thier conversation with the head honcho border dude as a few other border guards looked on..."we have a zero tollerance policy here...(then some stuff i couldn't hear...) and since it's your first offence...." them kids is having a bad night....
anyhow...after a short stop at trader joe's, just long enough to find out they had closed, literally, three minutes earlier, we headed to the tractor tavern in ballard...
we were early there and sat through a couple numbers by the first act but then decided we needed to go for a walk and try and miss him...i like walking around ballard...you should try it. marcy and i once went to a great mexican restaurant there, a very traditional place called la carta de oaxaca...we walked by last night and it was packed - nice to see they're still there and doing well...
richmond fontaine were great, willy seems well and happy and still has the mouth of a trucker...he told us he's just finished up another novel about horse racing at portland meadows and that it's about the seedy underworld of horse racing...i look forward to reading it...both his other novels have been optioned for films, his first, motel life, by the director of 21 grams, alejandro gonzalez inarritu, and the other by courtney hunt, who made another film called frozen river.
the drive home, which included a short stop at dick's for a burger, was a hard one...very tired...really fucking tired..but we made it, me dropping marcy off at her place at 4:30 am...my head hit the pillow here at 5:00 am and i don't remember much after it hit.
now i'm off to package up my kaws companion silk screens that i sold last week..my pal suzanne from opus is helping me. she's probably much better at that than i am...it'll look pro and make it to wherever it's going all safe and sound...
have a great saturday....
i love you.
g. xo
willy and marcy...